What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

I love to kick off my weekends with either a lie-in, a full clean and tidy of my house, or breakfast at my favourite local and independent cafes (sometimes even all 3!). If I’m not socialising in various places around the country (Bristol and Brighton most frequently), I will be exploring locally or getting cosy in my home. I am all about home comforts so my home is my haven. Out of all of these, my two favourites would probably be going out for breakfast and venturing across the UK to visit friends and family.

What do you love about coffee?

For me, coffee can be appreciated in many different ways. My favourite thing, however, is how it warms me up in every way on a winter morning when it’s too early for my brain to function… I also love how creative you can get with making coffee, and smashing out a perfect tulip (which is ironically a rarity for me).